Knowledge and Spirituality

May 23, 2023

knowledge and spirituality blog image

Knowledge and Spirituality

In quest of the the unquestionable where all doubts cease; approaching it through many paths all in one journey.

I was reading Sri Aurobindo’s work other day and was struggling to crack meaning of a paragraph. No, its not about the language skill I was struggling with. It was the collective essence of the words mended together, to assimilate those words and see its meaning. It was the science of the words put together, it was the art of drawing dimensions on those straight written lines.

And, then I questioned my self what if I were unable to read? What if, I were unable to strangulate some meaning for myself out of this collection of words?

Next thought that trailed was about the mastery of Sri Aurobindo himself in languages. What I know he was proficient in many languages which included English, Greek, Spanish, Latin and many more languages.

And then my mind took me little more towards the outer world. I was thinking all that we read about philosophy, spirituality comes from the great ‘scholars’ and ‘gyanis’ of the time and era.

What happens to those who have not been conferred upon with the privilege of reading and writing? And those who have limitation in the skill of reading, writing and playing with words?

Are they by default meant to live abstained from the quest of spirit - the infinite of which we are a part?

Knowledge to me is the product of our mental faculty, it is one of the instruments of this outer being. With this instrument at dispense human race has been able to survive many odds, against the mightier beings and adverse situations. It has helped us move ahead. We may have come farther than we were designed to be.

It is this same knowledge that takes us deep within our existence. It is the same instrument that aids our delayering process.

It is the aspiration which one holds that reconfigures this instrument to do what it does for us. Navigate the way forward and ahead, or delayering the layers within and beyond.

Knowledge and Spirituality would continue loop each other whenever the aspiration is held in that light. Like the path to divine comes to seekers differently, path to knowledge also comes to one by different means. It would need to be consumed and held with an intent towards serving the larger purpose of the collective and then no matter in which direction it is used it would loop itself with spirituality.

Knowledge is not bound by the limitations of articulation and so is the experience of the divine. One can seek for either and meet both - approaching it through many paths, all in one journey!

Knowledge and Spirituality

May 23, 2023

knowledge and spirituality blog image

Knowledge and Spirituality

In quest of the the unquestionable where all doubts cease; approaching it through many paths all in one journey.

I was reading Sri Aurobindo’s work other day and was struggling to crack meaning of a paragraph. No, its not about the language skill I was struggling with. It was the collective essence of the words mended together, to assimilate those words and see its meaning. It was the science of the words put together, it was the art of drawing dimensions on those straight written lines.

And, then I questioned my self what if I were unable to read? What if, I were unable to strangulate some meaning for myself out of this collection of words?

Next thought that trailed was about the mastery of Sri Aurobindo himself in languages. What I know he was proficient in many languages which included English, Greek, Spanish, Latin and many more languages.

And then my mind took me little more towards the outer world. I was thinking all that we read about philosophy, spirituality comes from the great ‘scholars’ and ‘gyanis’ of the time and era.

What happens to those who have not been conferred upon with the privilege of reading and writing? And those who have limitation in the skill of reading, writing and playing with words?

Are they by default meant to live abstained from the quest of spirit - the infinite of which we are a part?

Knowledge to me is the product of our mental faculty, it is one of the instruments of this outer being. With this instrument at dispense human race has been able to survive many odds, against the mightier beings and adverse situations. It has helped us move ahead. We may have come farther than we were designed to be.

It is this same knowledge that takes us deep within our existence. It is the same instrument that aids our delayering process.

It is the aspiration which one holds that reconfigures this instrument to do what it does for us. Navigate the way forward and ahead, or delayering the layers within and beyond.

Knowledge and Spirituality would continue loop each other whenever the aspiration is held in that light. Like the path to divine comes to seekers differently, path to knowledge also comes to one by different means. It would need to be consumed and held with an intent towards serving the larger purpose of the collective and then no matter in which direction it is used it would loop itself with spirituality.

Knowledge is not bound by the limitations of articulation and so is the experience of the divine. One can seek for either and meet both - approaching it through many paths, all in one journey!

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