Metamorfosi is a socially responsible organization that is committed to enabling people and organizations achieve positive change.

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People are core of every organization. Developing people to help them grow and make an impact within organization!

Metamorfosi is a socially responsible organization that is committed to enabling people and organizations achieve positive change.

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People are core of every organization. Developing people to help them grow and make an impact within organization!

Metamorfosi is a socially responsible organization that is committed to enabling people and organizations achieve positive change.

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People are core of every organization. Developing people to help them grow and make an impact within organization!

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What we do?

We strengthen the Human aspect of the organisations.
We enable our client systems with strategic talent and organisation development interventions in the domain of Human Resource Management, Talent Development & Management, Leadership Development, Values and Culture building, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion state for creating their unique Employee Value Preposition (EVP).
We facilitate the spectrum of outcomes through our learnings in Experiential Education, Group Process Facilitation and Applied Behavioural Sciences.
Our interventions vary from virtual mode, conventional classrooms, unconventional set-up, outbound/ off site to trek in Himalayas with your teams to explore the unexplored!


Our Philosophy

Change is not linear, its an integrated spiral path. We are constantly evolving and adapting to the changes in our environment.

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People Development

Developing people for growth and impact.

Training need Analysis

Is your training need assessing the team and function specific development opportunities?
Is your TNA process triangulated? 
Reach us for a systemic review of your TNA. 

End to End Calendar Workshop Management

We extend our support in designing and delivering your annual training calendar workshops.

Competency Framework and Mapping

Competency framework is a niche of knowledge, skills and attitude any organisation defines to meet its business objective. Our insights across industries and functional domain with systemic development approach might be a value add to your Talent Management Strategy. We would love to collaborate with you to design your competency grade work and its guide. Write us to know more. 

Assessment and Development Center (ACDC)

ACDC is a strategy inspired by the military organisations since World War II. Your talent development and career progression framework need a uniquely designed assessment centres and your Leadership programs are incomplete without a development centre. How? We can discuss this over a call. 

Career Planning and Development Programs

Career planning is a process of defining and developing a plan for the future. It is an important part of career development. The most common types of career development programs are- Internship, coaching, mentoring, job shadowing. We help individual as well organization in career planning and development.

Cross Functional Team Building Workshop

Humans are social animals and group dynamics is a unique phenomenon of Homo sapiens. Intrigued?
Let’s take your team for an outbound to understand needs and motivations of the gamut. Surely, with our truly experiential learning methodologies teams come back with deeper insights about self and their peer group. Outcome is consistent -COLLABORATION! 

DISC assessments and coaching

The workshop will help you identify the strengths of your team members and how they can work together more effectively. It will also help you identify any potential problems that may arise in the future. Invite us for a session which helps you discover the objectives.

"We often expect the change in life to unfold like a trajectory but it's not linear, it goes in circles"


Organization Development

Developing people for growth and impact.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Consulting, Awareness and Implementation workshops.

Every individual we cross our paths with is in the process of Being ‘something’ and Belonging ‘somewhere’. DEI is about building the safe spaces for ‘Being’ and ‘Belonging.
It is paramount to the sustainability of organisation and society at large. Because, Whole is Larger Than The Sum of Its Parts. 

Employee Value Proposition Strategy Building

With the evolving nature of the universe, your organisation must have evolved to a stage where you are chosen by the prospectus talent. The employee experiences and unique value offerings are the pillars which strengthens the Humane aspect of your organisation. Position your value offerings effectively with the systemic and balanced approach of meeting the revenue goals and larger purpose of your organisation. 

Intervention designed for Value and Culture Orientation

The values are belief systems of organisations and institutions that give them a morale compass. The practices that shape culture are the common thread for employees coming from the diverse background.
There is never a vacuum state when it comes to values and culture of a community. Organisations and communities grasp a value system and build practices around everything that helps them meet their needs and motivations. Would you want it to be an adhoc process or a nurtured approach? We help you knit your beliefs and values to form a culture fabric that suits your organisation and its teams. 

Leadership Framework and Development Program

Leadership is the role every member of your organisation would play at some point or the other. The guiding lights you assign on to an individual development journey becomes the Leadership Framework of your organisation. Leading Self, Leading without titles, Transformational journeys are the innumerable ways you call out the act of Leadership. Identify with us what relates to the act of Leadership in your organisation. We would love to curate and facilitate those journeys with you.
Our methodologies would have deep roots in applied behavioural sciences, coaching and explorations. Learn more about our Himalayan based Wilderness Leadership programs, Outbound Leadership programs. Reach us now. 

Strategy Building and Facilitation Workshops

Collective has the multifold wisdom. Harvesting the collective wisdom to build your organisation’s strategy is the key to your success.
Facilitation is that powerful tool which would help you harvest the collective wisdom in the group. Reach us to harvest the potential of your group wisdom and bring to effect your growth story. Our workshops are ingrained in the values and competence of facilitation.

Strategic HR Consulting

Strategic HR Consulting is the approach we bring in to your mundane humanresource management. We will assist you with industry best practices, sharinginsights from across the domains experiences merged with our OD lens.Reach us for your next employee engagement survey, reframing policies,performance management practices, career progression frameworks, L&Dstrategy, DEI statement and more.

Your Organisation is Unique!

Every organisation and its teams are unique; intervention design for your team is crafted to meet your business goals.

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Industries We Serve

We provide our services to various industries.


OEMs, Emission Control Research & Development, Component Suppliers.


Agriculture & Farms Fasteners, Heavy Machinery Cables, Construction Equipments.


Technology Retail / Business Loan, Rural / Micro Finance, Housing Finance / LAP



Technology Retail / Business Loan, Rural / Micro Finance, Housing Finance / LAP

Communities / Forums

SME / Family Driven Organization

Digital Media / Marketing

Grow your Team and Organization with Metamorfosi

Ready to make your team and organization more effective?